Checking for Holds
General Hold Information
There are different types of holds that may be placed on a student's record impacting one or more services including, but not limited to: registration access, obtaining an official transcript, or being granted final clearance for graduation.
Several university administrative and academic departments have authority to add and remove holds on students' records if they have deemed an action is required by the student. See How to Get My Holds Removed section below for more information about hold removal.
Students are expected to monitor their records for holds regularly to see if any new holds have been added, especially when preparing for registration activity. Plan ahead and address hold requirements as quickly as possible to minimize registration impact.
Where Do I Find My Holds
How to Get My Holds Removed
Instructions for how to remove common holds can be found below. When seeking hold removal, the originating department having placed the hold is generally the department that would have oversight to remove the hold. Departments can only remove holds they place, as they cannot remove holds placed by other departments.
Some hold removal is automated, while others may require specific action to be taken by the student first, in order to be manually removed by the department.